Children's Ministry
Ages 4-11
Our children meet in Sunday School every Sunday morning following offering. There are multiple classes for each age range including Kingdom Kids for the older, and Little Lambs for the younger! If you have any questions about the children's ministry, please reach out to Beverly Bennett.
Revelation Youth
Ages 12-18

The Revelation youth group aims to reach other youth for Christ! We meet every Wednesday at 6:30pm for food and fellowship, followed by games, worship and Bible Study! If you have any questions regarding our youth group, please reach out to Natalie Sierra or Brianna Barlow.

Young Adults
Ages 17 to 30

Our young adults group enjoys a wide variety of events each month. Sometimes they go skating, host paint nights, make personal pizzas, go out to brunch, and much more! We are always looking for ideas to get the young adults together so please reach out to Brianna Barlow with your ideas!

Women's Ministry
All women of all ages

Our women's ministry is currently led by Beverly Bennett and Natalie Sierra with women's meetings every month! Women of the church are asked to lead fun nights for any ladies' wanting to attend. We have food and fellowship every month together at our meeting and fun activities from heartfelt Bible Studies to fun-filled paint nights. Please stay up to date with our social media to find out the activity and date each month!

Men's Ministry
All men of all ages

Our Men's Fellowship time is held once a month, usually the last Friday of the month at church from 7pm to 9pm. Our men's group is led by Pastor Jon as they follow along a Bible Study, followed by games in the gym such as basketball or pickleball!

Out of the Box Prayer Ministry

Everyone is welcome to join our "out of the box" prayer ministry on Wednesdays at 10am as Pat Jones leads group prayer for our church, and members who have asked for prayer.

Community Outreach

While we try to reach as many people for Christ through all of our ministries here at Joy, our seasonal festivals are our main community outreach events. Each year we have many volunteers from our church sign up to make food, run games, play music, and market to those in the community for both our Fall and Spring festivals! In October we hold our Apple Festival which was put on for the first time in 2019 and has always been a big hit. In May, we have our Joy in Bloom Festival to celebrate spring which we just began for the first year in 2023! We invite members from all around the central Virginia area to come out for free events of family fun in order to reach people for Christ in a fun and inviting way!